Kamel Kimiaei
Lead Web Developer
Kamel Kimiaei
Lead Web Developer

Knauf Onsite Service Application

  • Duration: Aug 2020 - Apr 2021
  • Developed an onsite service application for Knauf’s Iran branch as a development team leader, project manager, and software architect.
  • Built a prototype and created SRS and UML diagrams.
  • Utilized Laravel to develop the project, which required a mobile application, so multiple REST APIs were created.
  • Built the mobile app with React Native.
  • Developed complicated algorithms to achieve the project’s requirements.
  • Designed a cluster of servers to handle user requests.
  • Conducted UI/UX design and front-end development to ensure a user-friendly experience.
  • Utilized Git for version control and GitLab CI/CD for deployment.
  • Passed security checklists to ensure the system’s safety and reliability.

As the development team leader, project manager, and software architect, I was involved in all aspects of the Knauf Onsite Service Application project, from building a prototype and creating SRS and UML diagrams to designing and developing the front-end and back-end. We developed multiple REST APIs to create the necessary mobile application, and used complicated algorithms to achieve the project’s requirements. Additionally, we designed a cluster of servers to handle user requests and utilized Git for version control and GitLab CI/CD for deployment. Finally, we passed security checklists to ensure the system’s safety and reliability.